Prof. Sonja Grgic, Ph.D. - CURRICULUM VITAE
Personal Information:
- place of birth: Vukovar, Croatia
- citizen of Croatia
- nationality: Croatian
- marital status: married
- children: daughter Dora
- 1972-1980; "Ivo Lola Ribar" Elementary School; Vukovar; Croatia
- 1980-1984; Gymnasium; Vukovar; Croatia
- 1984-1989; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; (B.Sc.)
- 1989-1992; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; (M.Sc.)
- 1993-1996; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; (Ph.D.)
- February 1989; B.Sc. ("Diplomirani inzenjer elektrotehnike"); University of Zagreb
- January 1992; M.Sc. ("Magistar tehnickih znanosti"); University of Zagreb
- May 1996; Ph.D. ("Doktor tehnickih znanosti"); Universiry of Zagreb
- B.Sc. thesis: "Characteristics of video cassette recorders for high definition television"
- M.Sc. thesis: "Architecture of cable distribution network for video signal transmission"
- Ph.D. thesis: "The effect of bit rate variation on the quality of television pictures"
Association Memberships:
- HATZ (Croatian Academy of Engineering) full member
- SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) member
- IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) full-member
- ELMAR (Croatian Society Electronics in Marine) Presidency member
- AMAC-FER (Almae Matris Alumni Croaticae - FER) member
- KoREMA (Croatian Society for Communications, Computing, Electronics, Measurement and Control) member
International Program Committee Memberships:
- IWSSIP (International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing)
- VIPromCom (International Symposium on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications)
- ECMCS (EURASIP Conference on Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Communications and Services)
- EC-VIP-MC (EURASIP Conference focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications)
- ELMAR (International Symposium Electronics in Marine)
- ICECom (International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications)
Work Experience:
- 1989-1991; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia;
Professional Assistant at Department of Radiocommunications and Microwave Engineering
- 1989-1992; Croatian Radio Television - Department for Transmission and Links; Zagreb; Croatia;
Visiting Assistant in the field of cable distribution of television system
- 1991-1992; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia;
Research Assistant at Department of Radiocommunications and Microwave Engineering
- 1992-1996; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia;
Assistant at Department of Radiocommunications and Microwave Engineering
- 1996-1997; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia;
Senior Assistant at Department of Radiocommunications and Microwave Engineering
- 1997-2002; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia;
Assistant Professor at Department of Radiocommunications and Microwave Engineering
- 2002-2007; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia;
Associate Professor at Department of Wireless Communications
- 2007-2012; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia;
Full Professor at Department of Wireless Communications
- 2012-____; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia;
Tenured Professor at Department of Communication and Space Technologies
Courses on the bachelor study program (FER-1):
- Television
- Noise Analysis in Communication Systems
- Digital Television
Courses on the bachelor study program (FER-2):
- Eletronic communications
- Multimedia Technologies
Courses on the master study program (FER-2):
- Video Communication Technologies
- Digital Broadcasting Systems
- Laboratory of wireless technologies 1
- Laboratory of information processing 1
Predmeti na preddiplomskom studiju (nastavni program FER3):
- Communication Systems
- Multimedia Systems
Predmeti na diplomskom studiju (nastavni program FER3):
- Video Communication Technologies
- Measurements in Communication Systems
- Communication Systems Practicum
Courses on the PhD study program:
- Picture Quality in Digital Video Communications
- Brodaband Networks for Television Signal Distribution (until 2022/2023)
- Communications for Multimedia Services
Scientific Projects:
- 1991-1996; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; Collaborator on the project 2-07-277: "Research of Advanced Technologies for Croatian Broadcasting Systems", Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia
- 1992-1996; Co-operation in Science and Technology with the European Commission: Project COST-242: "Methods for the Performance Evaluation and Design of Multiservice Brodaband Networks"
- 1996-2000; Co-operation in Science and Technology with the European Commission: Project COST-257: "Impacts on New Services on the Architecture and Performance of Broadband Networks"
- 1997-2002; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; Collaborator on the project 036015: "Multimedia Communications Technologies", Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia
- 2000-2002; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; Collaborator on the project 036041: "Research and Development of Cable TV Services in Croatia", Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia
- 2002-2006; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; Collaborator on the project 0036015: "Multimedia Communication Systems", Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia
- 2007-2013; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; Project Leader on the project 036-0361630-1635: "Picture Quality Management in Digital Video Broadcasting", Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
- 2007-2013; University of Zagreb; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing; Zagreb; Croatia; Collaborator on the project 036-0982560-1643: "Intelligent Image Features Extraction in Knowledge Discovery Systems", Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia
- 2012-2016; Collaborator on project ICT COST Action IC1105; 3D content creation, coding and transmission over future media networks (3D-ConTourNet)
- 2018-2022; Researcher on project "DATACROSS - Advanced methods and technologies in Data Science and Cooperative Systems", ERDF funded project
- 2018-2021; Researcher on project "Satellite-based measurement of electromagnetic radiation- CROSPERITY", Croatian Science Foundation project
- 2020-2024; Researcher on project "Smart platform for millimeter-wave environmental and industrial sensing - MMSENSE", Croatian Science Foundation project
- 2023-2027; Researcher on project "Integrated Body-Centric Communication and Sensor Systems - BODYSEN", Croatian Science Foundation project
Research Interests:
- image and video compression
- deep learning in image and video processing and analysis
- digital image processing in the automotive industry
- methods and measures for subjective and objective evaluation of image quality
- multimedia systems and networks
- acquisition, compression, coding and transmission of 3D video content
- IPTV, Internet video, video on demand
- video signals transmission in mobile communication systems
- digital broadcasting systems
Honours & Awards:
- "Josip Loncar" silver medal of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb for the outstanding Ph.D. thesis work, 1996
- Award of the Croatian Society Electronics in Marine - ELMAR, 1998
- Certificate of Appreciation of the Croatian Society Electronics in Marine - ELMAR for notable services and contributions, 2003
- Award of the Croatian Society Electronics in Marine - ELMAR for notable services and contributions to the ELMAR Society, 2008
- Annual Award "Rikard Podhorsky" of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) for the outstanding scientific achievement during last three years with the application in industry, 2007
- Award for Exceptional Contribution to Engineering Education for 2022 from the Croatian IEEE Section, 2022
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