Assoc.Prof.Tomislav Kos,Ph.D.



Research Interests:

  • Cable Television Systems
  • New Services over CATV Network
  • Satellite Distribution of Analog and Digital Television Signal
  • Scrambling Systems in Television
  • Radio Direction Finding and Navigation


Journal Papers (1)

  1. Kos, T. , New Technology in Television transmission, Journal Electronics, Technology, Microtechnology, Volume 34, No.1-2, Budapest, 1995, Hungary, pp. 56-59

Conference Papers (31)

  1. Kos, T. , Muzny, V., Mjerenje parametara video monitora za primjenu u CCTV, Proceedings of the 8th Symposium "Mjerenja u komunikacijskim sustavima", Dubrovnik 1986, p.p. 63-66
  2. Kos, V., Kos, T. , Ocjena kvalitete mreza prijenosa podataka prometnih sredstava, Proceedings of the 9th Symposium "Mjerenja u komunikacijskim sustavima", 1989, p.p. 183-186
  3. Kos, T. , Nova tehnoloska rjesenja u televiziji, Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'94, Bozava, 1994, pp. 77- 80
  4. Kos, T. , Distribucija digitalnih televizijskih signala, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference KoREMA'95, Zagreb, 1995, Croatia, p.p. 64- 67
  5. Kos, T. , Distribution of Digital Television Signal with Terrestrial Transmitters, Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'95, Pula, 1995, Croatia, pp. 64-67
  6. Kos, T. , Matay, G., Modeling the effects of nonlinearities of CATV amplifiers, Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'96, Zadar, 1996, Croatia, pp. 115-118
  7. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Methods of reducing intermodulation products in CATV systems, Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'97, Zadar, 1997, Croatia, pp. 96-100
  8. Matay, G., Molnar, B., Telegdy, A., Som, F., Kos, T. , Simplified method for modelling the effects of nonlinearities in CATV systems, 8th Conference and Exhibition on Television and Audio Technologies, Budapest, Hungary 1998, p.p. 293-302
  9. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Intermodulation Noise in Multicarrier Broadband Network, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Digital Telecommunication Services ICOMT'98, Budapest 1998, Hungary, pp.31-36
  10. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Kos, T. , Broadband Multimedia Communication, Proceedings of the Conference on Software in Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM'97, Split-Bari-Dubrovnik, 1997, Croatia-Italy, pp. 85-95
  11. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S., Matay, G., Analysis of Intermodulation Distortion in CATV Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 1st Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference, Bratislava, 1997, Slovakia, pp. 267-270
  12. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Analysis of Intermodulation Distortion in CATV Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'98, Zagreb, 1998, pp. 82-85
  13. Grgic, M., Grgic, S., Kos, T. , Object-Based Coding of Segmented Video, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'99, Bratislava, 1999, Slovakia, pp. 10-13
  14. Ravnjak, M., Grgic, M., Kos, T. , Optimisation of Filter Parameters in Wavelet Image Compression, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'99, Bratislava, 1999, Slovakia, pp. 14-17
  15. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Intermodulation Products Distribution in Multicarrier Broadband Systems, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'99, Bratislava, 1999, Slovakia, pp. 201-204
  16. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Nonlinear Distortion in Broadband CATV Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 1st ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom'99, Zadar, 1999, Croatia, pp. 255-261
  17. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., An Algorithm for Counting of Intermodulation Products in Multicarrier Broadband Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Volume 1 of 3), ISIE'99, Bled, 1999, Slovenia, pp. 95-98
  18. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Grgic, M., Intermodulation Distortion in Wideband Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on AppliedElectromagnetics and Communications, ICECOM'99, Dubrovnik, 1999, Croatia, pp. 135-138
  19. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Data Services over CATV Network, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2000, Maribor, 2000, Slovenia, pp. 159-162
  20. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Trends in CATV Systems, Proceedings of the 2nd ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2000, Zadar, 2000, Croatia, pp. 65-70
  21. Kos, T. , Kviz, B., Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Proceedings of the 43rd International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2001, Zadar, 2001, Croatia, pp. 75-79
  22. Kos, T. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgi c , S., New S ervices over CATV Network, Proceedings of the International Conference on Trends in Communications EUROCON'2001, Bratislava, 2001, Slovakia, pp. 442-445
  23. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, M., Kos, T. , Mobile Wireless Multimedia Communications Toward 4G UMTS, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2001, pp. 91-99
  24. Kos, T. , Future Trends in Global Navigation, Proceedings of the 44th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2002, Zadar, Croatia, 2002, pp. 15-20
  25. Sprljan, N., Grgic, M., Kos, T. , ADSL Performance Testing, Proceedings of the 44th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2002, Zadar, Croatia, 2002, pp. 140-145
  26. Mandic, L., Grgic, S., Kos, T. , Colour Appearance Models, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'02, Manchester, United Kingdom, November 2002, pp. 536-543
  27. Gosta, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kos, T. , Noise Protection in UMTS, Proceedings of 45th International Symposium Elmar-2003, Zadar, 2003, Croatia, pp. 239-243
  28. Kos, T. , Grgic, M., Mandic, L., CATV Broadband Technologies, Proceedings of 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, EC-VIP-MC 2003, Zagreb, Croatia, July 2003, pp. 829-834
  29. Milak, I., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kos, T. , Synthesis of Output Filter Unit for Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting, Proceedings of 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, EC-VIP-MC 2003, Zagreb, Croatia, July 2003, pp. 857-862
  30. Afric, W., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kos, T. , Noise Interference Influence in Multimedia Mobile Systems, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'03, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2003, pp. 107-110
  31. Kos, T. , Sprljan, N., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Comparison of Broadband Network Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2003, Ljubljana, September 2003, Slovenia, pp. 178-182

Technical Reports (3)

  1. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kviz, B., Bauer, S., Kos, T. , Brlic, V., Zuric-Hudek, V., Bijele, M., Parun, D., Anicic, Lj., Rejkuba, M., STUDIJA: Sirokopojasna infrastruktura za uvodjenje multimedijskih usluga u telekomunikacijsku mrezu Hrvatske poste i telekomunikacija, Hrvatska posta i telekomunikacije, strucna studija rada na projektu 036015: "Multimedijske komunikacijske tehnologije" FER-a i HT-a, 1997
  2. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kviz, B., Bauer, S., Kos, T. , Grgic, M., Kedmenec, D., Kedmenec, V., Brlic, V., Zuric-Hudek, V., Bijele, M., Anicic, Lj., Rejkuba, M., STUDIJA: Gospodarska opravdanost uvodjenja novih usluga u telekomunikacijsku mrezu Hrvatske poste i telekomunikacija, strucna studija rada na projektu 036015: "Multimedijske komunikacijske tehnologije" FER-a i HT-a, 1997
  3. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kviz, B., Grgic, S., Kos, T. , Grgic, M., Brlic, V., Zuric-Hudek, V., STUDIJA: Mjerenja kvalitete prijenosa videosignala u sustavima kabelske televizije, strucna studija rada na projektu 036015: "Multimedijske komunikacijske tehnologije" FER-a i HT-a, 1999

Editorships (4)

  1. PROCEEDINGS VIPromCom-2000, 2nd ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, EDITED BY: Tomislav Kos , Mislav Grgic, Zadar, 2000, ISBN 953-96030-7-2
  2. PROCEEDINGS Elmar-2001, Proceedings of 43rd International Symposium Electronics in Marine, Elmar-2001, EDITED BY : Tomislav Kos , Bo z idar Radanovi c , Zadar, 2001, ISBN 953-96030-8-0
  3. PROCEEDINGS Elmar-2002, Proceedings of 44 th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, Elmar-2002, EDITED BY: Tomislav Kos , Zadar, 2002, ISBN 953-7044-00-9
  4. PROCEEDINGS Elmar-2003, Proceedings of 45 th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, Elmar-2003, EDITED BY: Tomislav Kos , Zadar, 2003, ISSN 1334-2630

Book Chapter (1)

  1. Nadj, R., Kos, T. : Prijam i distribucija, IP3 - Svezak 1 - Elektrotehnika: Elektronika, komunikacije i elektricni strojevi - Elektronika i komunikacije - Radiodifuzija (poglavlje 15.4), Skolska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002, (in Croatian), pp. 826-864

Book Translation (1)

  1. Mayer, N.: Moderna televizijska tehnika, translation from german T. Kos , D. Sostaric, 246 pages, Tehnicka knjiga Zagreb, 1989

University Books (1)

  1. Grgic, S., Kos, T., Grgic, M., Televizija - Upute za laboratorijske vjezbe, Zavoda za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, FER, Zagreb, 2002, (in Croatian), 82 pages

University Internal Books (5)

  1. Kos, V., Kos,T. , Zadaci i vjezbe iz osnova elektrotehnike u prometnom inzenjerstvu, udzbenik, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, 217 pages, 1990
  2. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgic, S., Kos, T. , Grgic, M., Televizija - Upute za laboratorijske vjezbe, Skripta Zavoda za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, Zagreb, 2001
  3. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kviz, B., Grgic, S., Kos, T. , Grgic, M., Kulusic, P., Fleischer, S., Klepac, V., Uvodjenje digitalne tehnologije u proizvodnju, prijenos i radiodifuziju radijskih i televizijskih programa, Zavod za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu i Hrvatska radiotelevizija, 1999
  4. Kviz, B., Kos, T. , Seminar z a Hrvatsku kontrolu zra c ne plovidbe : Temeljni principi navigacijske tehnike, Skripta, Sveu c ili s te u Zagrebu , Fakultet elektrotehnike i ra c unarstva , Zavod za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, 2001
  5. Nadj, R., Kos, T. , Radiolokacija i navigacija - Upute za laboratorijske vjezbe, Skripta Zavoda za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, Zagreb, 2002

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