Prof. dr. sc. Sonja Grgić



Područja istraživanja:

  • kompresija slike i videosignala
  • primjena dubokog učenja u obradi i analizi slike i videozapisa
  • primjena digitalne obrade slike u automobilskoj industriji
  • postupci i mjere za subjektivno i objektivno vrednovanje kvalitete slike
  • multimedijski sustavi i mreže
  • generiranje, kodiranje i prijenos 3D videosadržaja
  • IPTV, internet video, video na zahtjev
  • prijenos videosignala mobilnim komunikacijskim sustavima
  • digitalni radiodifuzijski sustavi



Znanstveni radovi


  • Scopus: 2270 citata (kolovoz 2024.)
  • Google Scholar: 4628 citata (kolovoz 2024.) - više detalja ovdje

Poglavlja u knjizi

  1. Tralić, D., Rosin, P., Sun, X., Grgić, S., Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Cellular Automata, in Cellular Automata in Image Processing and Geometry; Rosin, P., Adamatzky, A., Sun, X. (ur.), Springer, 2014., str. 105-125
  2. Gvozden, G., Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Exploring the Characteristics of High Definition Television Systems, in Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications; Grgić, M., Delač, K., Ghanbari, M. (ur.), Springer-Verlag, 2009., str. 341-373
  3. Delač, K., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Image Compression in Face Recognition - a Literature Survey, in Recent Advances in Face Recognition, Delač, K., Grgić, M., Stewart Bartlett, M. (ur.), IN-TECH, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-953-7619-34-3, December 2008, str. 1-14
  4. Gvozden, G., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Gosta, M., Comparison of Video Coding Standards Used in Mobile Applications, in Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia, Second Edition, Khalil Ibrahim, I. (ur.), IGI Global, Hershey, USA, ISBN 978-1-60566-046-2, 2008, str. 133-149
  5. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Image Compression Effects in Face Recognition Systems, in Face Recognition, Delač, K., Grgić, M. (ur.), I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, ISBN 978-3-902613-03-5, July 2007, str. 75-92

Znanstveni rad objavljen u časopisu

  1. Orešković, L., Grgić, S., The New EU Space Regulation: One Small Step or One Giant Leap for the EU?, Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2021, str. 77-126
  2. Žeger, I., Grgić, S., Vuković, J., Šišul, G., Grayscale Image Colorization Methods - Overview and Evaluation, IEEE Access, Vol. 9, 2021, str. 113326-113346
  3. Cetinić, E., Lipić, T., Grgić, S., Learning the Principles of Art History with Convolutional Neural Networks. Pattern recognition letters, Vol. 129, 2020, str. 56-62
  4. Cetinić, E., Lipić, T., Grgić, S., A Deep Learning Perspective on Beauty, Sentiment, and Remembrance of Art, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, 2019, str. 73694-73710
  5. Cetinić, E., Lipić, T., Grgić, S., Fine-tuning Convolutional Neural Networks for fine art classification, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 114, 30 December 2018, str. 107-118
  6. Gvozden, G., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Blind image sharpness assessment based on local contrast map statistics, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 50 (2018), str. 145-158
  7. Bjelopera, A., Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Evaluation of Blur and Gaussian Noise Degradation in Images Using Statistical Model of Natural Scene and Perceptual Image Quality Measure, Radioengineering, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2017, str. 930-937
  8. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Šakić, K., Rocha, P.M.R., da Silva Cruz, L.A., 3D video subjective quality: a new database and grade comparison study, Multimedia tools and applications, Volume 76, Issue 2, 2017., str. 2087-2109
  9. Tralić, D., Grgić, S., Robust Image Encryption Based on Balanced Cellular Automaton and Pixel Separation, Radioengineering, Volume 25, No. 3, 2016., str. 1-8
  10. Tralić, D., Grgić, S., Sun, X., Rosin, P., Combining cellular automata and local binary patterns for copy-move forgery detection, Multimedia tools and applications, Volume 75, 2016., 16881-16903
  11. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., IQM2 : new image quality measure based on steerable pyramid wavelet transform and structural similarity indeks, Signal, image and video processing, Volume 8, 2014., str. 1159-1168
  12. Zarić, A., Tatalović, N., Brajković, N., Hlevnjak, H., Lončarić, M., Dumić, E., Grgić, S., VCL@FER Image Quality Assessment Database, Automatika, Volume 53, No.4, 2012., str. 344-354
  13. Dumić, E., Šišul, G., Grgić, S., Evaluation of Transmission Channel Models Based on Simulations and Measurements in Real Channels, Frequenz, Volume 66, No.1/2, 2012., str. 41-54
  14. Grgić, M., Delač, K., Grgić, S., SCface - surveillance cameras face database, Multimedia tools and applications, Volime 51, Issue 3, 2011., str. 863-879
  15. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., New Image-quality Measure based on Wavelets, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 19, No. 1, Article ID 011018, 19 stranica
  16. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Face Recognition in JPEG and JPEG2000 Compressed Domain, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 27, Issue 8, 2 July 2009, str. 1108-1120
  17. Kos, T., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Simple Method for Intermodulation Products Counting in Multicarrier Systems, AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 62, Issue 2, February 2008, str. 148-154
  18. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., The Use of Wavelets in Image Interpolation: Possibilities and Limitations, Radioengineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, December 2007, str. 101-109
  19. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Influence of Background and Surround on Image Color Matching, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2007, str. 244-251
  20. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Independent Comparative Study of PCA, ICA, and LDA on the FERET Data Set, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol. 15, Issue 5, str. 252-260
  21. Šprljan, N., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Modified SPIHT Algorithm for Wavelet Packet Image Coding, Real-Time Imaging, Vol. 11, Issue 5-6, October-December 2005, str. 378-388
  22. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Effects of JPEG and JPEG2000 Compression on Face Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 3687, 2005, str. 136-145
  23. Kos, T., Grgić, S., Krile, S., Poboljšanje sustava satelitske navigacije, Naše more - Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol. 52, No. 1-2, June 2005, str. 57-63
  24. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Mrak, M., Reliability of Objective Picture Quality Measures, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 55, No. 1-2, 2004, str. 3-10
  25. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Performance Analysis of Image Compression Using Wavelets, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 48, Issue 3, 2001, str. 682-695
  26. Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., DCTlab: educational software for still image compression and its application in a digital television course, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Issue 38, No. 3, July 2001, str. 187-198
  27. Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Ghanbari, M., A New Approach for Retrieval of Natural Images, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 52, No. 5-6, 2001, str. 117-124
  28. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., Karhunen-Loeve Transform and its Theoretical Importance for Video Compression, Journal Electronics, Technology, Microtechnology, Volume 35, Budapest, 1996, Hungary, str. 16-19
  29. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Modrić Kovačević, D., Adaptive Predictive Coding in Multimedia, Journal Electronics, Technology, Microtechnology, Volume 35, Budapest, 1996, Hungary, str. 14-15
  30. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Statistical Analysis of Variable Bit Rate Video Sources in Broadband Networks, Journal "Automatika", No. 3-4, 1995, str. 129-137
  31. Bauer, S. , Variable Bit Rate Video Transmission in Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Networks, Journal Electronics, Technology, Microtechnology, Volume 34, No.1-2, Budapest, 1995, Hungary, str. 25-30
  32. Bauer, S. , Semiconductor Lasers for Broadband Optical Fiber Communications, Journal Electronics, Technology, Microtehnology - European Universities Special Issue, No.5-6, Budapest, 1992, Hungary, str. 129-134

Znanstveni rad recenziran, objavljen u zborniku radova s međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa

  1. Popović, E., Žeger, I., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Evaluation of Color Saturation and Hue Effects on Image Quality, Proceedings ELMAR-2023, Zadar, 2023, str. 7-12
  2. Čavlek, I., Žeger, I., Šišul, G., Grgić, S., Time Synchronization Properties in OFDM System Based on Cyclic Prefix, Proceedings ELMAR-2023, Zadar, 2023, str. 155-158
  3. Žeger, I., Bilanović, N., Šišul, G., Grgić, S., Comparison of Metrics for Colorized Image Quality Evaluation, Proceedings ELMAR-2022, Zadar, 2022, str. 209-214
  4. Ivušić, D., Petrak, A., Božek, J., Grgić, S., Annotated Lung CT Image Database, Proceedings ELMAR-2022, Zadar, 2022, str. 165-168
  5. Ditrih, H., Grgić, S., Turković, L., Real-Time Detection and Recognition of Cards in the Game of Set, Proceedings ELMAR-2021, Zadar, str. 161-164
  6. Žeger, I., Grgić, S., An Overview of Grayscale Image Colorization Methods, Proceedings ELMAR-2020, Zadar, 2020, str. 109-112
  7. Ditrih, H., Grgić, S., PhotoGrade - Fast and Effective Application for Digital Photo Editing, Proceedings ELMAR-2020, Zadar, 2020, str. 49-52
  8. Bratulić, J., Golušin, L., Rendulić, J., Stipić, D., Tutavac, J., Babić, D., Grgić, S., Grubeša, T., A proposal for characterizing global light pollution using a LEO nanosatellite, Proceedings of the International Convention MIPRO, Opatija, 2019, str. 138-142
  9. Cetinić, E., Lipić, T., Grgić, S., How Convolutional Neural Networks Remember Art, Proceedings IWSSIP 2018, Maribor, Slovenia, 2018, 5 stranica
  10. Cetinić, E., Grgić, S., Genre Classification of Paintings, Proceedings ELMAR-2016, Zadar, 2016., str. 201-204
  11. Šakić, K., Bubalo V., Grgić S., Choice of Video Coding Standard for Future DVB-T2 Networks in Croatia, Proceedings ELMAR-2016, Zadar, 2016., str. 39-42
  12. Bjelopera, A., Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Classification of Image Degradation Using Riesz Transform, Proceedings IWSSIP 2016, Bratislava, Slovačka, 2016., str. 209-212
  13. Vodopijak, T., Grgić, S., PPDR Network Implementation Options, Proceedings ELMAR-2015, Zadar, 2015., str. 61-64
  14. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Šakić, K., Frank, D., Subjective Quality Assessment of H.265 versus H.264 Video Coding for High-Definition Video Systems, Proceedings of the 2015 13th International Conference on Telecommunications ConTEL 2015, Graz, Austrija, 2015., str. 1-7
  15. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., da Silva Cruz, L.A., Assuncao, P., Objective Quality Measures Comparison of Impaired 3D Video Sequences from the UC3D Database, 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, Budimpešta, Mađarska, 2014., str. 1-4
  16. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Frank, D., Simulating DVB-T to DVB-T2 Migration Opportunities in Croatian TV Broadcasting, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM 2014, Split, 2014., str. 1-5
  17. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Jiménez B.D., da Silva Cruz, L.A., Benchmark of State of the Art Objective Measures for 3D Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment on the Nantes Database, Proceedings ELMAR-2014, Zadar, 2014., str. 119-123
  18. Šakić, K., Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Crowdsourced Subjective Video Quality Assessment, Proceedings IWSSIP 2014, Dubrovnik, 2014., str. 223-226
  19. Tralić, D., Rosin, P., Sun, X., Grgić, S., Detection of Duplicated Image Regions using Cellular Automata, Proceedings IWSSIP 2014, Dubrovnik, 2014., str. 167-170
  20. Tralić, D., Grgić, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Video Frame Copy-Move Forgery Detection Based on Cellular Automata and Local Binary Patterns, Proceedings of 2014 X International Symposium on Relecommunication, BIHTEL, Sarajevo, BiH, 2014., str.1-4
  21. Baotić, P., Draganić, M., Bundalo, D., Kesegić, I., Tralić, D., Grgić, S., Simulation Model of DVB-S2 System, Proceedings ELMAR-2013, Zadar, 2013., str. 227-231
  22. Cetinić, E., Grgić, S., Automated Painter Recognition Based on Image Feature Extraction, Proceedings ELMAR-2013, Zadar, 2013., str. 19-22
  23. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Reduced Video Quality Measure Based on 3D Steerable Wavelet Transform and Modified Structural Similarity Index, Proceedings ELMAR-2013, Zadar, 2013., str. 65-69
  24. Tralić, D., Zupančić, I., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., CoMoFoD - New Database for Copy-Move Forgery Detection, Proceedings ELMAR-2013, Zadar, 2013., str. 49-54
  25. Bjelopera, A., Grgić, S., Scalable Video Coding Extension of H.264/AVC, Proceedings ELMAR-2012, Zadar, 2012., str. 7-12
  26. Dumić, E., Bačić, I., Grgić, S., Simplified Structural Similarity Measure for Image Quality Evaluation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2012), Beč, Austrija, 2012., str. 442-447
  27. Tralić, D., Dumić, E., Vuković, J., Grgić, S., Simulation and Measurement of DVB-T2 Channel Characteristics, Proceedings ELMAR-2012, Zadar, 2012., str. 83-88
  28. Tralić, D., Petrović, J., Grgić, S., JPEG Image Tampering Detection Using Blocking Artifacts, Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2012), Beč, Austrija, 2012., str. 5-8
  29. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Improved Image Quality Measure Through Particle Swarm Optimization, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 16-18 June 2011, str. 167-172
  30. Sakal, I., Tabaković, Ž., Grgić, S., Tralić, D., Workshop: The Electronic Communications Regulatory Challenges – Experiences from the Looking to the Future Project Croatian approach to Digital Dividend, Workshop on electronic communications regulatory challenges, Split, 2011., str. 34-42
  31. Tralić, D., Bozek, J., Grgić, S., Shape Analysis and Classification of Masses in Mammographic Images using Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 16-18 June 2011, str. 247-251
  32. Zarić, A., Lončarić, M., Tralić, D., Brzica, M., Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Image Quality Assessment - Comparison of Objective Measures with Results of Subjective Test, Proceedings of the 52nd International Symposium ELMAR-2010, Zadar, Croatia, 15-17 September 2010, str. 113-118
  33. Šakić, K., Grgić, S., The Influence of the LTE System on DVB-T Reception, Proceedings of the 52nd International Symposium ELMAR-2010, Zadar, Croatia, 15-17 September 2010, str. 235-238
  34. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Šišul, G., Simulation Model for the Evaluation of DVB-T System Parameters, Proceedings of the 52nd International Symposium ELMAR-2010, Zadar, Croatia, 15-17 September 2010, str. 225-230
  35. Tabaković, Ž., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio, Proceedings of the 51st International Symposium ELMAR-2009, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 September 2009, str. 245-248
  36. Dumić, E., Muštra, M., Grgić, S., Gvozden, G., Image Quality of 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 Chroma Subsampling Formats, Proceedings of the 51st International Symposium ELMAR-2009, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 September 2009, str. 19-24
  37. Lončarić, M., Tralić, D., Brzica, M., Petrović, J., Grgić, S., Managing Mixed HD and SD Broadcasting, Proceedings of the 51st International Symposium ELMAR-2009, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 September 2009, str. 79-82
  38. Šakić, K., Gosta, M., Grgić, S., Cross-Border Interference Between Broadcasting and Mobile Services, Proceedings of the 51st International Symposium ELMAR-2009, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 September 2009, str. 229-232
  39. Tabaković, Ž., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Fuzzy Logic Power Control in Cognitive Radio, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), Chalkida, Greece, 18-20 June 2009, str. CD1-CD5
  40. Dumić, E., Muštra, M., Grgić, S., Comparison of Dirac and H.264/AVC Coding Quality Using Objective Video Quality Measures Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), Chalkida, Greece, 18-20 June 2009, str. CD1-CD5
  41. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., New Image Quality Measure Based on Wavelets, Proceedings of SPIE - Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing VI, San Jose, California, USA, 21-22 January 2009, Volume 7248, Article Number 72480G
  42. Lukičić, T., Grgić, S., Grgić, M.,, Audio Archive: From Film to Digital Sound Recording, Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium ELMAR-2008, Zadar, Croatia, 10-12 September 2008, str. 69-72
  43. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Comparison of HDTV Formats by Objective Video Quality Measures, Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium ELMAR-2008, Zadar, Croatia, 10-12 September 2008, str. 1-4
  44. Lončarić, M., Tralić, D., Brzica, M., Vuković, J., Lovrinić, J., Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Testing Picture Quality in HDTV Systems, Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium ELMAR-2008, Zadar, Croatia, 10-12 September 2008, str. 5-8
  45. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Hidden Influences on Image Quality when Comparing Interpolation Methods, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), Bratislava, Slovakia, 25-28 June 2008, str. 367-372
  46. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Quality Assessment of Interpolated Images, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, ICECom 2007, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24-26 September 2007, str. 291-294
  47. Gvozden, G., Gosta, M., Grgić, S., Comparison of H.264/AVC and MPEG-4 ASP Coding Techniques Designed for Mobile Applications Using Objective Quality Assessment Methods, Proceedings of the 49th International Symposium ELMAR-2007 focused on Mobile Multimedia, Zadar, Croatia, 12-14 September 2007, str. 51-54
  48. Lukičić, T., Grgić, S., Peer, P., Conversion Demands on TV Archive, Proceedings of the 49th International Symposium ELMAR-2007 focused on Mobile Multimedia, Zadar, Croatia, 12-14 September 2007, str. 17-22
  49. Vražić, Z., Žagar, D., Grgić, S., Adaptive Modulation in Microwave Networks, Proceedings of the 49th International Symposium ELMAR-2007 focused on Mobile Multimedia, Zadar, Croatia, 12-14 September 2007, str. 247-250
  50. Žagar, D., Vražić, Z., Grgić, S., The Impact of Doppler Shift on Mobile Communication Reception in DVB-H System, Proceedings of the 49th International Symposium ELMAR-2007 focused on Mobile Multimedia, Zadar, Croatia, 12-14 September 2007, str. 135-138
  51. Afrić, W., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Methodology of Path Loss Calculation using Measurement Results, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) and 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech & Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services (EC-SIPMCS), Maribor, Slovenia, 27-30 June 2007, str. 269-272
  52. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Different Color Attributes between Hard-copy and Soft-copy Images, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) and 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech & Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services (EC-SIPMCS), Maribor, Slovenia, 27-30 June 2007, str. 481-484
  53. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Towards Face Recognition in JPEG2000 Compressed Domain, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) and 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech & Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services (EC-SIPMCS), Maribor, Slovenia, 27-30 June 2007, str. 155-159
  54. Dumić, E., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Image Interpolation Method Based on Wavelets, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) and 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech & Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services (EC-SIPMCS), Maribor, Slovenia, 27-30 June 2007, str. 115-118
  55. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Liatsis, P., The Estimation of Corresponding Colors under Different Viewing Conditions, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2006, Budapest, Hungary, 21-23 September 2006, str. 447-449
  56. Lukičić, T., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Telecine Calibration using Grey Card Video Levels, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2006, Budapest, Hungary, 21-23 September 2006, str. 99-102
  57. Lončarić, S., Grgić, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Minimizing Power Consumption of the DVB-H Receiver, Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006 focused on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, Zadar, Croatia, 07-09 June 2006, str. 309-313
  58. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Comparison of Color Difference Equations, Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006 focused on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, Zadar, Croatia, 07-09 June 2006, str. 107-110
  59. Lukičić, T., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Picture Format Conversion for TV Projection, Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006 focused on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, Zadar, Croatia, 07-09 June 2006, str. 21-26
  60. Dodig, M., Grgić, S., Dodig, S., Quality of Chest X-ray Images Compressed Using JPEG and JPEG2000, Proceedings of the EUROCON 2005 - The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool", EUROCON 2005, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 21-24 November 2005, str. 931-934
  61. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Generalization Abilities of Appearance-Based Subspace Face Recognition Algorithms, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2005, Chalkida, Greece, 22-24 September 2005, str. 271-274
  62. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., The Influence of Simultaneous Contrast on Image Appearance, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2005, Chalkida, Greece, 22-24 September 2005, str. 267-270
  63. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Statistics in Face Recognition: Analysing Probability Distributions of PCA, ICA and LDA Performance Results, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, ISPA 2005, Zagreb, Croatia, 15-17 September 2005, str. 289-294
  64. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., A Comparative Study of PCA, ICA and LDA, Proceedings of the 5th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, EC-SIP-M 2005, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, 29 June - 02 July 2005, str. 99-106
  65. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., The Influence of Surround Illuminance on the Image Appearance, Proceedings of the 5th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, EC-SIP-M 2005, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, 29 June - 02 July 2005, str. 75-80
  66. Kos, T., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Broadband Network Technologies, Proceedings of the 5th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, EC-SIP-M 2005, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, 29 June - 02 July 2005, str. 29-34
  67. Gvozden, G., Gosta, M., Grgić, S., DVB-S2 Coding Modes for Broadcasting and Unicasting, Proceedings of the 47th International Symposium ELMAR-2005 focused on Multimedia Systems and Applications, Zadar, Croatia, 08-10 June 2005, str. 193-196
  68. Lukičić, T., Grgić, S., Telecine Calibration and Image Quality Evaluation, Proceedings of the 47th International Symposium ELMAR-2005 focused on Multimedia Systems and Applications, Zadar, Croatia, 08-10 June 2005, str. 77-81
  69. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Image Matching Between Hard and Soft Copies under Different Viewing Conditions, Proceedings of the 47th International Symposium ELMAR-2005 focused on Multimedia Systems and Applications, Zadar, Croatia, 08-10 June 2005, str. 33-36
  70. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., The Influence of Color Temperature on the Monitor Gamut, Proceedings of the 46th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2004, Zadar, Croatia, 16-18 June 2004, str. 455-459
  71. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Medved Rogina, B., Grgić, S., Interference Supression in Wireless Digital Video Communication Networks, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, ICTTA'04, Damascus, Syria, 19-23 April 2004, str. 1-5
  72. Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Ghanbari, M., Large Image Database Retrieval based on Texture Features, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2003, Maribor, Slovenia, 10-12 December 2003, str. 959-964
  73. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Afrić, W., Compression Requirements for Multimedia Transmission in Mobile DS-CDMA Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2003, Maribor, Slovenia, 10-12 December 2003, str. 942-945
  74. Grgić, S., Mrak, M., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Comparative Study of JPEG and JPEG2000 Image Coders, Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, ICECom 2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 01-03 October 2003, str. 109-112
  75. Šprljan, N., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., ImAn - Educational Tool for Image Analysis, Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2003 (Volume I), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22-24 September 2003, str. 238-242
  76. Mrak, M., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Picture Quality Measures in Image Compression Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2003 (Volume I), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22-24 September 2003, str. 233-237
  77. Šprljan, N., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Selection of Biorthogonal Filters for Wavelet Image Compression, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'03, Prague, Czech Republic, 10-11 September 2003, str. 48-52
  78. Afrić, W., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Interference in Direct Spread Sequence Mobile Communication System, Proceedings of the 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, EC-VIP-MC 2003, Zagreb, Croatia, 2-5 July 2003, str. 797-803
  79. Mrak, M., Marpe, D., Grgić, S., Comparison of Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coders in Video Compression, Proceedings of the 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, EC-VIP-MC 2003, Zagreb, Croatia, 2-5 July 2003, str. 277-286
  80. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Colour Appearance Models, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'02, Manchester, United Kingdom, 07-08 November 2002, str. 536-543
  81. Rimac-Drlje, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., An Algorithm for a Fast Estimation of the Wavelet Subbands Statistics, Proceedings of the 3rd EURASIP Conference focused on Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Communications and Services, ECMCS'2001, Budapest, Hungary, 11-13 September 2001, str. 284-287
  82. Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Image Retrieval Based on Texture Features Extraction, Proceedings of the 3rd EURASIP Conference focused on Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Communications and Services, ECMCS'2001, Budapest, Hungary, 11-13 September 2001, str. 152-155
  83. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., New Services over CATV Network, Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 EUROCON'2001 Conference - International Conference on Trends in Communications (Volume 2/2), Bratislava, Slovakia, 04-07 July 2001, str. 442-445
  84. Grgić, M., Ghanbari, M., Grgić, S., Texture-based Image Retrieval in MPEG-7 Multimedia System, Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 EUROCON'2001 Conference - International Conference on Trends in Communications (Volume 2/2), Bratislava, Slovakia, 04-07 July 2001, str. 365-368
  85. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Monitor Calibration and Colour Management, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2001, Bucharest, Romania, 07-09 June 2001, str. 87-90
  86. Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Ghanbari, M., Application of Gabor Filters for Efficient Image Representation, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2001, Bucharest, Romania, 07-09 June 2001, str. 43-46
  87. Milak, I., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Output Filter Unit in Digital Video Broadcasting Transmitter's Chain, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2001, Bucharest, Romania, 07-09 June 2001, str. 179-182
  88. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Data Services over CATV Network, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2000, Maribor, Slovenia, 07-09 June 2000, str. 159-162
  89. Rimac-Drlje, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., A Visually Tuned Image Compression with Discrete Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2000, Maribor, Slovenia, 07-09 June 2000, str. 135-138
  90. Grgić, M., Ghanbari, M., Grgić, S., An Intersection Method for Improved Image Retrieval, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2000, Maribor, Slovenia, 07-09 June 2000, str. 119-122
  91. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Suknaić, M., Mobile Wireless Multimedia Services for the Future Mass Market, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2000, Maribor, Slovenia, 07-09 June 2000, str. 3-11
  92. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Image Quality Management in Wavelet Based Compression System, Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT-2000, Acapulco, Mexico, 22-25 May 2000, str. 830-834
  93. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Suknaić, M., Grgić, S., The Final Steps Towards Common IMT-2000 Standard, Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT-2000, Acapulco, Mexico, 22-25 May 2000, str. 50-54
  94. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Picture Quality Measurements in Wavelet Compression System, Proceedings of the International Broadcasting Convention, IBC'99, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-14 September 1999, str. 554-559
  95. Grgić, S., Kerš, K., Grgić, M., Image Compression Using Wavelets, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Volume 1 of 3), ISIE'99, Bled, Slovenia, 12-16 July 1999, str. 99-104
  96. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., An Algorithm for Counting of Intermodulation Products in Multicarrier Broadband Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Volume 1 of 3), ISIE'99, Bled, Slovenia, 12-16 July 1999, str. 95-98
  97. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Intermodulation Products Distribution in Multicarrier Broadband Systems, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'99, Bratislava, Slovakia, 02-04 June 1999, str. 201-204
  98. Kerš, K., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Quality Control in Wavelet Based Image Compression, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'99, Bratislava, Slovakia, 02-04 June 1999, str. 18-21
  99. Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Object-Based Coding of Segmented Video, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'99, Bratislava, Slovakia, 02-04 June 1999, str. 10-13
  100. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Digital Television Transmission and Broadband Network Technologies, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Digital Telecommunication Services, ICOMT'98, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 October 1998, str. 37-48
  101. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Digital Television Networks, Proceedings of the International Symposium Viable Telecommunications, VITEL'98, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 05-06 October 1998, str. A/59-A/65
  102. Kedmenec, D., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Kedmenec, K., QoS Parametres in ATM Environment, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'98, Zagreb, Croatia, 03-05 June 1998, str. 223-226
  103. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Analysis of Intermodulation Distortion in CATV Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'98, Zagreb, Croatia, 03-05 June 1998, str. 82-85
  104. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Wireless Broadband Multimedia Communication, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference: Networks and Communication Systems, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), U.S.A., 13-16 May 1998, str. 153-157
  105. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Quality of Service Control in Variable Bit Rate Video Communications, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Digital Telecommunication Services, ICOMT'97, Budapest, Hungary, 27-29 October 1997, str. 43-49
  106. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., Video Improvement by Variable Bit Rate Coding, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP'97, Poznan, Poland, 28-30 May 1997, str. 161-164
  107. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., Picture Quality in Multimedia Windows Environment, Proceedings of the International Telecommunications Symposium VITEL'96, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 07-08 October 1996, str. 223-229
  108. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., Objective and Subjective Evaluations of Picture Quality in Digital Video Systems, International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Digital Telecommunication Services, ICOMT '96, Budapest, Hungary, 28-30 October 1996, str. 145-150
  109. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., The Influence of Impairments from Digital Compression of Video Signal on Perceived Picture Quality, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing, IWISP'96, Manchester, United Kingdom, 04-07 November 1996, str. 245-248
  110. Bauer, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., Picture Quality Subjective Assessment in Relation to Impairments from MPEG-1 Video Compression, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference KoREMA'96, Opatija, Croatia, 18-20 September 1996, Vol. 3, str. 47-50
  111. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Modrić, D., Coding Techniques in Multimedia Communications, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing, IWISP'95, Budapest, Hungary, 08-10 November 1995, str. 24-32
  112. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Matanić, I., Bauer, S. , Optical Brodband Network for TV Contribution in Zagreb - Croatia, Proceedings of the International Broadcasting Convention, IBC'95, Conference Publication Number 413, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-18 September 1995, str. 476-481

Znanstveni rad objavljeni u zborniku radova s međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa

  1. Mrak, M., Šprljan, N., Grgić, S., Video Coding Schemes for Transporting Video over the Internet, 18th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, IKT 2001, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 26-28 November 2001, str. 245-250
  2. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Standardni postupci za kodiranje videosignala u multimedijskim komunikacijama, 2. međunarodno savjetovanje o telekomunikacijama, BIHTEL'98, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 23-25 September 1998, str. 43-52
  3. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Grgić, M., Picture Content and Bit Rate Variation in Multimedia, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop of TEMPUS-TELECOMNET Project "Digital Processing of Image and Speech Signals", Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 03-05 February 1997, str. 115-121

Ostali znanstveni radovi s međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa

  1. Afrić, W., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Interference in Direct Spread Sequence Mobile Communication System, COST-279, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-24 January 2003, TD-03-013
  2. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., The Final Steps Toward Common IMT-2000 Standard, COST 257, Barcelona, Spain, 20-21 January 2000, 257TD(00)14
  3. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Mobile Wireless Multimedia Toward Third Generation Mobile Communication, COST 257, Larnaca, 1999, Cyprus, 257TD(99)36
  4. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Subjective Assessment of Picture Quality, COST 257, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 22-23 September 1997, 257TD(97)54
  5. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Wireless Broadband Multimedia Communication, COST 257, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 22-23 September 1997, 257TD(97)51
  6. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Modrić, D., Predictive and Transform Coding in Multimedia, COST 242, Lousanne, Switzerland, 11-14 January 1996, 242TD(96)04
  7. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Video Compression Standards and Multimedia Applications, COST 242 Bratislava, Slovakia, 13-14 September 1995, 242TD(95)033

Znanstveni rad, recenziran, objavljen u zborniku radova s domaćeg znanstvenog skupa

  1. Dodig, M., Nogalo, B., Dodig, S., Grgić, S., Ispitivanje kvalitete slikovnih zapisa komprimiranih algoritmima JPEG i JPEG2000, Zbornik radova 7. simpozija Hrvatskog društva za medicinsku informatiku, Medicinska informatika 2005, Rijeka, 21. listopada 2005., str. 161-164
  2. Šprljan, N., Grgić, S., Mrak, M., Performance of SPIHT Algorithm for Texture Coding, Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2003, Zadar, Croatia, 16-18 June 2003, str. 350-355
  3. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Srdić, I., Overall Architecture of Color Management Systems, Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2003, Zadar, Croatia, 16-18 June 2003, str. 339-344
  4. Suknaić, M., Grgić, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Wireless LAN Integration with 3rd Generation Mobile Communication Systems, Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2003, Zadar, Croatia, 16-18 June 2003, str. 232-238
  5. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Digital Video Processing in Wireless Multimedia, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications & Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2002, Split, Dubrovnik / Venice, Ancona, Croatia / Italy, 08-11 October 2002, str. 809-812
  6. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Srdić, I., Data Formats in Digital Prepress Technology, Proceedings of the 4th EURASIP - IEEE Region 8 International Symposium on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2002, Zadar, Croatia, 16-19 June 2002, str. 437-440
  7. Mrak, M., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Scalable Video Coding in Network Applications, Proceedings of the 4th EURASIP - IEEE Region 8 International Symposium on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2002, Zadar, Croatia, 16-19 June 2002, str. 205-211
  8. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Future Wireless Mobile Multimedia Communications, International Conference on Software, Telecommunications & Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2001, Split, Dubrovnik / Ancona, Bari, Croatia / Italy, 09-12 October 2001, str. 19-30
  9. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Srdić, I., Colour Management and Signal Processing, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2001, Zadar, Croatia, 13-15 June 2001, str. 209-212
  10. Rimac-Drlje, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Wavelet Adapted and Visually Tuned Compression, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2001, Zadar, Croatia, 13-15 June 2001, str. 117-120
  11. Grgić, S., Mrak, M., Grgić, M., Comparison of JPEG Image Coders, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2001, Zadar, Croatia, 13-15 June 2001, str. 79-85
  12. Milak, I., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Linearity Precorrection Unit in Digital Video Broadcasting Transmitter's Chain, Proceedings of the 43rd International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2001, Zadar, Croatia, 13-15 June 2001, str. 55-59
  13. Kuhinek, D., Grgić, S., Use of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing in Cable Television Systems, Proceedings of the 43rd International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR-2001, Zadar, Croatia, 13-15 June 2001, str. 26-30
  14. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Srdić, I., The Transmission of Accurate Color over the Telecommunication Network, Proceedings of the 2nd ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2000, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 June 2000, str. 207-212
  15. Rimac-Drlje, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Visually Weighted Wavelet Still Image Compression, Proceedings of the 2nd ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2000, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 June 2000, str. 133-137
  16. Grgić, S., Mrak, M., Šprljan, N., DCTlab - Didactic Tool for the Study of Image Compression, Proceedings of the 2nd ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2000, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 June 2000, str. 83-89
  17. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Trends in CATV Systems, Proceedings of the 2nd ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom-2000, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 June 2000, str. 65-70
  18. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Optimal Decomposition for Wavelet Image Compression, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IWISPA 2000, Pula, Croatia, 13-16 June 2000, str. 203-208
  19. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Intermodulation Distortion in Wideband Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, ICECOM'99, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 11-13 September 1999, str. 135-138
  20. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Nonlinear Distortion in Broadband CATV Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 1st ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom'99, Zadar, Croatia, 23-25 June 1999, str. 255-261
  21. Kerš, K., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Two-Dimensional Wavelet Transform in Image Compression, Proceedings of the 1st ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom'99, Zadar, Croatia, 23-25 June 1999, str. 163-175
  22. Mandić, L., Grgić, S., Srdić, I., Managing Colour in the Prepress Industry, Proceedings of the 1st ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications, VIPromCom'99, Zadar, Croatia, 23-25 June 1999, str. 109-114
  23. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Objective and Subjective Measuruments for Video Compression System, Proceeding of the Conference on Software in Telecommunica-tions and Computer Networks, SoftCOM'98, Split-Bari-Dubrovnik, Croatia-Italy, 14-17 October 1998, str. 577-586
  24. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Broadband Communication Techniques toward Mobile Wireless Multimedia, Proceeding of the Conference on Software in Telecommunica-tions and Computer Networks, SoftCOM'98, Split-Bari-Dubrovnik, Croatia-Italy, 14-17 October 1998, str. 485-491
  25. Crkvenac, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Signalization Process in Mobile Radiocommuni-cation Networks, Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'98, Zadar, Croatia, 23-25 June 1998, str. 124-128
  26. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Broadband Multimedia Communication, Proceedings of the Conference on Software in Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM'97, Split-Bari-Dubrovnik, Croatia-Italy, 17-19 October 1997, str. 85-95
  27. Mandić, L., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Networks for Printing Industry Applications, Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'97, Zadar, Croatia, 25-27 June 1997, str. 92-95
  28. Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Coding of Audio-Visual Objects, Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'97, Zadar, Croatia, 25-27 June 1997, str. 80-85
  29. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., Karhunen-Loeve Transform and its Theoretical Importance for Video Compression, Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium Electronics in Marine ELMAR'96, Zadar, Croatia, 24-26 June 1996, str. 119-124
  30. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Modrić-Kovačević, D., Adaptive Predictive Coding in Multimedia, Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'96, Zadar, Croatia, 24-26 June 1996, str. 30-32
  31. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., Picture Quality Subjective Assessment in Relation to Impairments from MPEG-1 Video Compression, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference KoREMA'96, Opatija, Croatia, 18-20 September 1996, Vol. 3, str. 47-50
  32. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Cihlar, D., Modrić, D., Video Signal in Multimedia Communications, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on New Tehnologies, 5th SONT, Poreč, Croatia, 25-27 September 1995, str. 238-241
  33. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Modrić, D., Video Signal Coding with Motion Compensation for Multimedia Transmission, Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'95, Pula, Croatia, 18-20 September 1995, str. 97-100
  34. Bauer, S. , Grgić, M., Diskretna kosinus transformacija, poster-rad, 37. međunarodni simpozij Elektronika u pomorstvu, ELMAR'95, Pula, Croatia, 18-20 September 1995
  35. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, M., Discrete Cosine Transform in Video Compression, Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'95, Pula, Croatia, 18-20 September 1995, str. 113-118
  36. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Cihlar, D., MPEG Video Sources in Multimedia Environment, Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'95, Pula, Croatia, 18-20 September 1995, str. 87-92
  37. Bauer, S. , B. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Statistical Characteristics of Variable Rate Video Sources in ATM Networks, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference KoREMA'95, Zagreb, Croatia, 19-21 April 1995, str. 59-63
  38. Bauer, S. , Quality of Service (QOS) Parameters in Asynchronous Transfer Mode Based Networks, Proceedings of the 39th International Conference KoREMA'94, Zagreb, Croatia, 25-27 April 1994, str. 77-80
  39. Bauer, S. , Variable Bit Rate (VBR) Video Source Modeling by Two-state Markov Chains, Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'94, Božava, Croatia, 12-14 September 1994, str. 57-60
  40. Bauer, S. , Television Transmission in an Asynchronous Transfer Mode Based Networks, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference KoREMA'93, Zagreb, Croatia, 26-28 April 1993, str. 96-99
  41. Bauer, S. , Modeli izvora videosignala u mrežama s asinkronim načinom prijenosa, Zbornik radova 35. međunarodnog simpozija elektronika u pomorstvu, ELMAR'93, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 June 1993, str.113-117
  42. Bauer, S. , Cihlar, D., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Multimedia Integrated Communication, Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, ELMAR'93, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 June 1993, str. 126-129
  43. Bauer, S. , Primjena hibridne diferencijalne pulsno kodne modulacije za prijenos videosignala svjetlovodom, Zbornik radova 34. međunarodnog simpozija elektronika u pomorstvu, ELMAR'92, Zadar, Croatia, 28-30 September 1992, str. 83-87
  44. Bauer, S. , Distribucija digitalnih satelitskih audio signala kabelskim mrežama, Zbornik radova 3. međunarodnog simpozija o novim tehnologijama, 3. SONT, Zagreb, Croatia, 15-17 October 1991, str. 47-50

Urednik znanstvenog zbornika

  1. PROCEEDINGS ELMAR-2008, 50th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, EDITED BY: Mislav Grgić, Sonja Grgić; Zadar, Croatia, ISSN 1334-2630, ISBN 978-953-7044-06-0, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP08825-PRT
  2. PROCEEDINGS ELMAR-2007, 49th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, EDITED BY: Mislav Grgić, Sonja Grgić; Zadar, Croatia, ISSN 1334-2630, ISBN 978-953-7044-05-3, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1819
  3. PROCEEDINGS ELMAR-2006, 48th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, EDITED BY: Mislav Grgic, Sonja Grgic, Zadar, Croatia, ISSN 1334-2630, ISBN 953-7044-03-3, IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1289
  4. PROCEEDINGS ELMAR-2005, 47th International Symposium Electronics in Marine, EDITED BY: Mislav Grgić, Tomislav Kos, Sonja Grgić , Zadar, Croatia, ISSN 1334-2630, ISBN 953-7044-04-1, IEEE Catalog Number: 05EX1009
  5. PROCEEDINGS EC-VIP-MC 2003, 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, EDITED BY: Mislav Grgić, Sonja Grgić, Zagreb, Croatia, ISBN 953-184-054-7 (cjelina), ISBN 953-184-059-8 (Volume 1), ISBN 953-184-060-1 (Volume 2), IEEE Catalog Number: 03EX667
  6. PROCEEDINGS Elmar 2000, 42nd International Symposium Electronics in Marine, EDITED BY: Sonja Grgić , Viljem Jerič, Zadar, 2000, ISBN 953-96030-6-4
  7. PROCEEDINGS IWSSIP'98, 5th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, EDITED BY: Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Sonja Grgić , Mislav Grgić, Zagreb, 1998, ISBN 953-184-010-5


Aktivno sudjelovanje u realizaciji domaćih znanstvenih projekata

  1. Pametna platforma za daljinska istraživanja u okolišu i industriji primjenom milimetarskih valova, projekt Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (2020.-2024.)
  2. DATACROSS - Napredne metode i tehnologije u znanosti o podatcima i kooperativnim sustavima, projekt Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj (2018.-2022.)
  3. Platforma za satelitsko mjerenje elektromagnetskog zračenja - CROSPERITY, projekt Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (2018.-2021.)
  4. Upravljanje kvalitetom slike u radiodifuziji digitalnog videosignala (036-0361630-1635), projekt Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske (2007.-2011.); voditelj projekta
  5. Inteligentno određivanje značajki slike u sustavima za otkrivanje znanja (036-0982560-1643), Projekt Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske (2007.-2011.)
  6. Multimedijski komunikacijski sustavi, Projekt 0036015 Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske (2002.-2006.)
  7. Istraživanje i razvoj usluga kabelske televizije u Hrvatskoj, Projekt 036041 Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske (2001.-2002.)
  8. Multimedijske komunikacijske tehnologije, Projekt 036015 Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske (1996.-2002.)
  9. Istraživanje visokih tehnologija za radiodifuziju Hrvatske, Projekt 2-07-277 Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske (1991.-1996.)

Aktivno sudjelovanje u realizaciji međunarodnih znanstvenih projekata

  1. 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks, COST Action IC1105 (svibanj 2012. - svibanj 2016.)
  2. Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks Supporting Mobility, Multimedia and Internetworking, Projekt COST-279, (studeni 2001. - lipanj 2005.)
  3. Enabling Networked Multimedia Group Communication, Projekt COST 264, (rujan 1998. - rujan 2002.)
  4. Impacts on New Services on the Architecture and Performance of Broadband Networks, Projekt COST 257, (rujan 1996. - rujan 2000.)
  5. Multimedia Telecommunications Services, Projekt COST 237, (veljača 1992. - svibanj 1998.)
  6. Methods for the Performance Evaluation and Design of Multiservice Broadband Networks, Projekt COST 242, (svibanj 1992. - svibanj 1996.)

Znanstvena društva

  1. Redoviti član Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (članstvo od 1998.)
  2. Član Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineers - SMPTE (od 2001.)
  3. Član Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE (od 2003.)
  4. Član Izvršnog odbora Hrvatskoga društva elektronika u pomorstvu - ELMAR (od 1995.)
  5. Član Hrvatskog društva za komunikacije, računarstvo, elektroniku, mjerenja i automatiku - KoREMA (od 1994.)

Član znanstvenog ili programskog odbora znanstvenog skupa

  1. Član međunarodnog programskog i recenzentskog odbora ISPA - International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (od 2005.)
  2. Član međunarodnog programskog i recenzentskog odbora EC-SIPMCS 2007 - 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services (2007.)
  3. Član međunarodnog programskog i recenzentskog odbora EC-SIP-M 2005 - 5th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services (2005.)
  4. Supredsjednik međunarodnog programskog odbora, član recenzentskog i organizacijskog odbora EC-VIP-MC - EURASIP Conference focused on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications (2003.)
  5. Član međunarodnog programskog i recenzentskog odbora ECMCS - EURASIP Conference on Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Communications and Services (2001.)
  6. Član međunarodnog programskog i recenzentskog odbora IWSSIP - International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (od 1999.)
  7. Dopredsjednik međunarodnog programskog odbora, član recenzentskog i organizacijskog odbora IWSSIP - International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (1998.)
  8. Supredsjednik međunarodnog programskog odbora, član rezenzentskog i organizacijskog odbora VIPromCom - International Symposium on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications (1999.-2002.)
  9. Član međunarodnog programskog i recenzentskog odbora ELMAR - International Symposium Electronics in Marine (od 2000.)
  10. Član organizacijskog odbora ELMAR - International Symposium Electronics in Marine (od 1994.)

Znanstvena nagrada / priznanje

  1. Srebrna plaketa "Josip Lončar" Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za istaknutu doktorsku disertaciju, 1996.
  2. Priznanje Hrvatskog društva elektronika u pomorstvu ELMAR, 1998.
  3. Zahvalnica Hrvatskog društva elektronika u pomorstvu ELMAR za značajan dugogodišnji i požrtvovni rad u Društvu, 2003.
  4. Priznanje Hrvatskog društva Elektronika u pomorstvu - ELMAR, za dugogodišnju potporu i doprinos radu društva ELMAR, 2008.
  5. Godišnja nagrada "Rikard Podhorsky" za 2006. godinu, za osobito vrijedno znanstveno-stručno dostignuće ostvareno tijekom protekle tri godine koje ima primjenu u gospodarstvu, 2007.

Gostujući znanstvenik

  1. Tri puta boravila kao gostujući znanstvenik na Telecommunications Department of The University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Poljska (01. listopada 1993. - 01. siječnja 1994., 04. listopada 1994. - 01. siječnja 1995., 24. travnja 1995. - 15. srpnja 1995.)


Program i uvođenje novih predmeta - dodiplomska, preddiplomska i diplomska nastava

  1. Videokomunikacijske tehnologije (obvezni predmet na smjeru Komunikacijske i svemirske tehnologije, studij IKT) - diplomski studij FER3, 2021.
  2. Mjerenja u komunikacijskim sustavima (izborni predmet na smjeru Komunikacijske i svemirske tehnologije, studij IKT) - diplomski studij FER3, 2021.
  3. Komunikacijski sustavi (obvezni predmet studija Elektrotehnika i informacijska tehnologija) - preddiplomski studij FER3, 2018.
  4. Multimedijski sustavi (izborni predmet studija Računarstvo i studija Elektrotehnika i informacijska tehnologija) – preddiplomski studij FER3, 2018.
  5. Elektroničke komunikacije (obvezni predmet studija Elektrotehnika i informacijska tehnologija) - preddiplomski studij FER2, 2005.
  6. Multimedijske tehnologije (obvezni predmet modula Obradba informacija i multimedijske tehnologije) - preddiplomski studij FER-2, 2005.
  7. Videokomunikacijske tehnologije (teorijski predmet profila Radiokomunikacijske tehnologije i profila Obradba informacija) - diplomski studij FER-2, 2005.
  8. Digitalni radiodifuzijski sustavi (predmet specijalizacije profila Radiokomunikacisjke tehnologije) - diplomski studij FER-2, 2005.
  9. ZVF12B1 Digitalna televizija (izborni predmet), 1998.
  10. RKP06O6 Televizija (obvezni predmet), 1998.
  11. ZVF14A2 Analiza šuma u komunikacijskim sustavima (izborni predmet), 1998.

Program i uvođenje novih predmeta - poslijediplomska nastava

  1. ZVF11D2 Kvaliteta slike u digitalnim videokomunikacijama, 2000.
  2. ZVF07D1 Širokopojasne mreže za distribuciju videosignala, 1998.

Otvaranje, ustrojstvo i organizacija novih laboratorija

  1. ZVF12B1 Digitalna televizija - ustrojstvo novog laboratorija s 5 laboratorijskih vježbi
  2. RKP06O6 Televizija - ustrojstvo 5 novih laboratorijskih vježbi

Autorstvo sveučilišnih skripata

  1. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Digitalna televizija - Upute za laboratorijske vježbe, Zavoda za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, FER, Zagreb, 2002., 56 stranica
    (odluka Senata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 14. svibnja 2002., rješenje broj: 02-659/3-2002)
  2. Grgić, S., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Televizija - Upute za laboratorijske vježbe, Zavoda za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, FER, Zagreb, 2002., 82 stranice
    (odluka Senata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 14. svibnja 2002., rješenje broj: 02-660/3-2002)

Autorstvo internih skripata

  1. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Digitalna televizija - Upute za laboratorijske vježbe, Zavod za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, FER, Zagreb, 2001., 48 stranica
  2. Grgić, S., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Televizija - Upute za laboratorijske vježbe, Zavod za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, FER, Zagreb, 2001., 75 stranica
  3. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kviz, B., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Kulušić, P., Fleischer, S., Klepac, V., Uvođenje digitalne tehnologije u proizvodnju, prijenos i radiodifuziju radijskih i televizijskih programa, Zavod za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Hrvatska radiotelevizija, 1999.
  4. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Televizija - Upute za laboratorijske vježbe, Zavod za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, FER, Zagreb, 1998.
  5. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Stojkovski, G., Bauer, S. , Kos, T., Televizija - Upute za laboratorijske vježbe, Zavod za radiokomunikacije i visokofrekvencijsku elektroniku, FER, Zagreb, 1993.


  1. 188 diplomskih radova
  2. 92 završna rada
  3. 14 specijalističkih radova
  4. 12 magistarskih radova
  5. 8 doktorskih radova

Poslijediplomska nastava

  1. ZVF12B1 Digitalna televizija - predavanja (od 1998. do 2004. godine)
  2. ZVF11D2 Kvaliteta slike u digitalnim videokomunikacijama - predavanja (od 2000.)
  3. ZVF07D1 Širokopojasne mreže za distribuciju videosignala - predavanja (od 1997.)
  4. 3-01 Teorija komunikacijskih sustava - predavanja (1996./1997.)
  5. 3-13 Šum u radiokomunikacijama - predavanja (1996./1997.)

Dodiplomska, preddiplomska i diplomska nastava (predavanja, vježbe, seminari)

  1. ETF 3703 Mikrovalna elektronika - laboratorijske vježbe (1990.-1994.)
  2. ETF 3708 Visokofrekvencijska elektronika - laboratorijske vježbe (1991.-1994.)
  3. ETF 4804 Radiolokacija i radiotelemetrija - laboratorijske vježbe (1992.-1996.)
  4. ETF 4826 Televizija - laboratorijske vježbe (1989.-1997.)
  5. ETF 4826 Televizija - dio predavanja (ak.god.1996./1997.)
  6. ETF 5114 Šum u komunikacijskim sustavima - laboratorijske vježbe (1989.-1998.)
  7. ZVF12B1 Digitalna televizija - predavanja i laboratorijske vježbe (1998.-2008.)
  8. RKP06O6 Televizija - predavanja i laboratorijske vježbe (1996.-2006.)
  9. ZVF14A2 Analiza šuma u komunikacijskim sustavima - predavanja i laboratorijske vježbe (1997.-2007.)
  10. RKP-07 Seminar - predavanja i seminar (1997.-2007.)
  11. RKP-08 Seminar - predavanja i seminar (1998.-2008.)
  12. Elektroničke komunikacije - predavanja (2007.-2021.)
  13. Multimedijske tehnologije - predavanja (2008.-2020.)
  14. Videokomunikacijske tehnologije - predavanja (od 2008.)
  15. Digitalni radiodifuzijski sustavi - predavanja (2009.-2021.)
  16. Komunikacijski sustavi – predavanja (od 2021.)
  17. Multimedijski sustavi – predavanja (od 2021.)

Ostale nastavne djelatnosti

  1. Sudjeluje u održavanju seminara iz područja uvođenja digitalne tehnologije u proizvodnju, prijenos i radiodifuziju radijskih i televizijskih programa, za usavršavanje djelatnika Hrvatske radiotelevizije (od 1999.)
  2. Član Povjerenstva za nagrađivanje djelatnika i studenata FER-a (od 1998. do 2002.)
  3. Član Povjerenstva za stjecanje magisterija znanosti FER-a (od 2002. do 2004.)
  4. Član Odbora za znanstvene i stručne poslijediplomske studije FER-a (od 2004.)



  1. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Jančić, M., Ruščić, K., Pojmovnik digitalne televizije, pojmovnik - rječnik na webu za studente 5. godine FER-a na smjeru Radiokomunikacije i profesionalna elektronika, http://www.vcl.fer.hr/dtv/, 2001.

Stručni rad objavljen u domaćem časopisu

  1. Dodig, S., Kragh-Hansen, U., Minchiotti, L., Dodig, M., Grgić, S., Benko, B., Quality of electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing images compressed using JPEG and JPEG2000, Biochemia Medica, godište 17, broj 2, 2007., str. 220-230
  2. Kos, T., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Kabelska televizija i zajednički antenski sustavi, EI - Časopis za elektrotehničke instalacije, godina I, broj 4-5, srpanj/kolovoz 2006., str. 43-46
  3. Delač, K., Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Biometrijske metode u sigurnosnim sustavima, ELEKTRO, godina IX, broj 3, lipanj/srpanj 2005., str. 28-31
  4. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Kos T., Norma JPEG2000 - Kodiranje mirnih slika primjenom norme JPEG2000, ELEKTRO, godina IX, broj 2, ožujak/travanj 2005., str. 45-47
  5. Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Kos T., JPEG kompresija slika za multimedijske komunikacije, ELEKTRO, godina IX, broj 1, siječanj/veljača 2005., str. 45-48
  6. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Šutalo, M., Brlić, V., Žurić-Hudek, V., Gilja, M., Ivić, A., Sunarić, T., Telekomunikacijska infrastruktura - poveznica svijeta u 21. stoljeću, HPT - list Hrvatske pošte i telekomunikacija. VIII (1998.), 11, str. 53-63

Stručni rad objavljen u zborniku radova, s međunarodnog stručnog skupa

  1. Kos, T., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Matay, G., Analysis of Intermodulation Distorsion in CATV Amplifiers, Proceedings of the 1st Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference, ECS'97, Bratislava, Slovakia, 04-05 September 1997, str. 267-270
  2. Bauer, S. , Video Traffic Characteristics in Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Based Networks, Proceedings of the 6th Conference and Exhibition on Television Techniques, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 May 1994, str. 131-136
  3. Bauer, S. , Optical Fibre Networks for Railway Traffic Control and Supervisory, Proceedings of the Symposium on the Railway Traffic Control, Krakow, Poland, 08-09 October 1992, str. 115-122

Stručni rad objavljen u zborniku radova, s domaćeg stručnog skupa

  1. Vistrička, J., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Wireless Data Transmission, Proceedings of the 20th International Convention MIPRO'97, Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems, Opatija, Croatia, 19-23 May 1997, str. 139-142
  2. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Modrić-Kovačević, D., Interframe Images Coding, Proceedings of Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems - MHS, MIPRO'96, Rijeka, Croatia, 20-24 May 1996, str. 2-73/2-76
  3. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Modrić, D., Cihlar, D., Video Compression Techniques for Multimedia Applications, Proceedings of Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems-MHS, MIPRO'95, Rijeka, Croatia, 22-26 May 1995, str. 64-70
  4. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Cihlar, D., Multimedijske komunikacije, Zbornik radova seminara Multimedijalna primjena računala - MPR, MIPRO'94, Opatija/Rijeka, Croatia, 23-26 May 1994, str. 2-39/2-74
  5. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Analiza uvođenja svjetlovoda u mreže za kabelsku distribuciju videosignala i podataka, Zbornik radova savjetovanja Miktoelektronika, elektronika i elektroničke tehnologije - MEET, MIPRO'93, Opatija, Croatia, 24-27 May 1993, str. 4-18/4-23
  6. Bauer, S. , Zovko-Cihlar, B., Analiza uvođenja sustava za kabelsku distribuciju televizijskih i radio programa na jadranske otoke, Zbornik radova 33. simpozija ETAN-a u pomorstvu, Zadar, Croatia, 24-26 June 1991, str. 145-148
  7. Bauer, S. , Kabelska distribucija televizijskog signala visoke kvalitete, Zbornik radova 32. simpozija ETAN-a u pomorstvu, Zadar, Croatia, 25-27 June 1990, str. 146-149

Istraživačka i razvojna postignuća - razvoj programskih paketa

  1. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Šprljan, N., Mrak, M., ImAn - Image Analyser, FER, Zagreb, 2001.
  2. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Šprljan, N., Mrak, M., DCTlab, FER, Zagreb, 2000.

Stručni projekt - elaborati

  1. Grgić, S., Kos, T., Šišul, G., Mogućnosti korištenja digitalne dividende u Republici Hrvatskoj, studija po narudzbi Hrvatske agencije za poštu i elektroničke komunikacije, 2012., 109 stranica (voditelj)
  2. Bogunović, N., Bojko, Z., Gledec, G., Grgić, S., Lovrek, I., Lučić, D., Matijašević, M., Živković, M., Analiza trenutne socio-ekonomske situacije i razvojnih trendova u sektoru "Razvoj digitalnog društva i telekomunikacijske infrastrukture", 2012. (suautor)
  3. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Dumić, E., MuŠtra, M., Nove tehnologije u proizvodnji i prijenosu digitalnih videosignala, seminar za HRT - Hrvatska radiotelevizija, FER, Zagreb, 2012., 253 stranice (voditelj)
  4. Modlic, B., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Šišul, G., Cvitković, M., Bojanjac, D., Migracija prema digitalnom odašiljanju radija u zemaljskoj mrezi, studija po narudzbi Hrvatske agencije za poštu i elektroničke komunikacije, 2010., 173 stranice (suautor)
  5. Grgić, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Šipuš, Z., Dumić, E., Nove tehnologije u proizvodnji i prijenosu digitalnog videosignala, seminar za djelatnike Hrvatske radiotelevizije, FER, Zagreb, svibanj 2010., 364 stranice (voditelj)
  6. Grgić, S., Šišul, G., Dumić, E., IPTV - televizija putem protokola IP, seminar za tvrtku Odašiljači i veze d.d., FER, Zagreb, ozujak 2009., 186 stranica (voditelj)
  7. Grgić, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kos, T. Medved Rogina, B., Dumić, E., Nove tehnologije u proizvodnji i prijenosu digitalnog videosignala, specijalistički seminar za djelatnike Hrvatske radiotelevizije, FER, Zagreb, veljača 2009., 384 stranice (voditelj)
  8. Grgić, S., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Digitalna zemaljska televizija, seminar za tvrtku Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., FER, Zagreb, prosinac 2008., 214 stranica (voditelj)
  9. Modlic, B., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Šišul, G., Radijske tehnologije za širokopojasni nepokretni pristup i mjerenja, studija po narudzbi Hrvatske agencije za poštu i elektroničke komunikacije, FER, Zagreb, prosinac 2008., 271 stranica (suautor)
  10. Modlic, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Šišul, G., Studija optimizacije topologije telekomunikacijske infrastrukturne mreze na području grada Zagreba, studija po narudzbi Zagrebačkog holdinga d.o.o. - Podruznica Zagrebački digitalni grad, FER, Zagreb, studeni 2008., 95 stranica (suautor)
  11. Modlic, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Šišul, G., Studija implementacije telekomunikacijske infrastrukturne mreze za koncept digitalnog grada na području grada Zagreba, studija po narudzbi Zagrebačkog holdinga d.o.o. - Podruznica Zagrebački digitalni grad, FER, Zagreb, studeni 2008., 128 stranica (suautor)
  12. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Digitalne tehnologije u televiziji, seminar za HRT - Hrvatska radiotelevizija, FER, Zagreb, 2008., 296 stranica (voditelj)
  13. Grgić, M., Grgić, S., Muštra, M., Ocjena kakvoće Borbeno-informacijsko-navigacijskog sustava za oklopna vozila (BINSO sustav) za modernizirani tenk M-84, ekspertiza po narudžbi Đure Đakovića Specijalna vozila d.d., Zagreb, 2007., 22 stranice
  14. Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Utjecaj odabira norme za kodiranje videosignala na dinamiku uvođenja DVB-T sustava, elaborat po narudžbi OiV - Odašiljači i veze d.o.o., Zagreb, 2007., 138 stranica
  15. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Tabaković, Ž., Schönbaum, T., Utjecaj digitalnih TV kanala (DVB-T) na postojeću analognu TV mrežu u Republici Hrvatskoj, studija po narudžbi Hrvatskog zavoda za telekomunikacije, FER, Zagreb, 2004, 129 stranica (suautor)
  16. Grgić, S., Modlic, B., Grgić, M., Kos, T., Mrak, M., Šprljan, N., Strategija razvoja radiodifuzije od 2003. do 2005. godine, studija po narudžbi Ministarstva pomorstva, prometa i veza Republike Hrvatske, FER, Zagreb, 2003, 167 stranica (voditelj)
  17. Modlic, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Strategija uvođenja novih informacijskih usluga u opći sustav mobilnih komunikacija, studija po narudžbi Hrvatskog zavoda za telekomunikacije, FER, Zagreb, 2003, 110 stranica (suautor)
  18. Modlic, B., Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kos, M., Nađ, R., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Bažant, A., Grgić, M., Ilić, Ž., Matić, V., Radijska lokalna mreža s javnim pristupom, studija po narudžbi Vijeća za telekomunikacije, FER, Zagreb, 2003, 256 stranica (suautor)
  19. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Grgić, S., Grgić, M., Analiza primjenjivosti ATM prijenosa za kontribuciju i distribuciju videosignala, elaborat za potrebe HRT-a, Zagreb, 2000. (voditelj)
  20. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kviz, B., Grgić, S., Kos, T., Grgić, M., Brlić, V., Žurić-Hudek, V., Mjerenja kvalitete prijenosa videosignala u sustavima kabelske televizije, stručna studija rada na projektu 036015: "Multimedijske komunikacijske tehnologije" FER-a i HT-a, 1999. (suautor)
  21. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kviz, B., Bauer, S. , Kos, T., Grgić, M., Kedmenec, D., Kedmenec, V., Brlić, V., Žurić-Hudek, V., Bijele, M., Aničić, Lj., Rejkuba, M., Gospodarska opravdanost uvođenja novih usluga u telekomunikacijsku mrežu Hrvatske pošte i telekomunikacija, stručna studija rada na projektu 036015: "Multimedijske komunikacijske tehnologije" FER-a i HT-a, 1997. (suautor)
  22. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Kviz, B., Bauer, S. , Kos, T., Brlić, V., Žurić-Hudek, V., Bijele, M., Parun, D., Aničić, Lj., Rejkuba, M., Širokopojasna infrastruktura za uvođenje multimedijskih usluga u telekomunikacijsku mrežu Hrvatske pošte i telekomunikacija, Hrvatska pošta i telekomunikacije, stručna studija rada na projektu 036015: "Multimedijske komunikacijske tehnologije" FER-a i HT-a, 1997. (suautor)
  23. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Bauer, S. , Hrvatska radio-televizija kao davatelj i korisnik usluga multimedijskih komunikacija, Hrvatska radiotelevizija, Zagreb, 1994. (suvoditelj)
  24. Bauer, S. , Variable Bit Rate Video Transmission in ATM Networks, Telecommunications Department of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Technical Report No.7/94, Krakow, 1994, 119 stranica (voditelj)
  25. Zovko-Cihlar, B., Roboz, V., Bauer, S. , Smolić, A., Ključarić, M., Kabelska distribucija radijskih i televizijskih programa, Hrvatska radiotelevizija - Odašiljači i veze HTV, Zagreb, 1991. (suautor)

Stručna društva, radne grupe

  1. Član Radne skupine za pripremu uvođenja i primjene DVB tehnologije u usluga u Republici Hrvatskoj pri Ministarstvu mora, prometa i infrastrukture RH, od 01.06.2006.
  2. Predstavnik FER-a u DVB forumu pri Hrvatskoj agenciji za poštu i elektroničke komunikacije, od 30.11.2005.
  3. Član tehničkog odbora E TO 100 - Audio, video i multimedijski sustavi i oprema pri Hrvatskom zavodu za norme od 19.06.2000.


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